Further development of the website
Explore our website's growth journey. Discover the latest enhancements and features
Hey everyone, I'm excited to share my plans for developing the website further. There's a lot to work on
Features to be implemented in the future
One of the most important things is adding the static content on the website. It can be done using the contentlayer library and MDX.
1. Support
Adding the support pages - "/about", "/terms", "/privacy" and "/contact"
2. Explore page
In the explore page users can visit the articles page or our blog. They can quickly find some interesting news or announcements and visit the content they want to see. I want this page to be really user-friendly by ading a fresh design.
3. Blog
We will be annoucing news and sharing our progress, talk about how we're developing the community of our school. Also I will be sharing the website development process.
4. Authors page
We already have the authors page, but to be honest it's really boring. So, I'm going to add some cool design and details. Then users can visit each author's page on "/author/[username]". They can personalize their page with info about themselves and showcase their articles.
Development process and progress
For editor and article rendering I'm using the react-markdown library.
Currently I have already added the support and blog pages. I'm using the contentlayer to add static content.
Here you can see the config of contentlayer